Sunday, 10 December 2017


These 9 foods fight cellulite

Cellulite?  She has no chance with her clever diet!
Are you afraid of cellulite? Then bend over cleverly - with the right nutrition

About 80 to 90 percent of all women have them. And probably just as many hate them: cellulite, lovingly called orange peel. The fault of the ugly dents, the thighs and buttocks, are usually fat deposits that press against the connective tissue, move it and become visible on the surface. The same applies to water retention, which can cause the blemish.
The following applies: the weaker your connective tissue, the easier cellulite is. But there is hope. To prevent, you should provide your body with sufficient collagen, since it is the main component of the connective tissue. You should also keep your metabolism running so that fat cells and water retention do not even come up with the idea of ​​getting comfortable with your problem areas.
With these 9 anti-cellulite foods it goes to the unloved dents on the collar:

1. Eggs boost collagen production

If you are really effective against cellulite, or want to prevent clever and healthy, remember one thing: the wonder weapon against cellulite is called collagen. Collagen is a structural protein and, as previously mentioned, the main component of our connective tissue. If our body lacks collagen, our skin lacks "structure" as well as resilience and elasticity.
So that the body can produce enough collagen, it needs sufficient protein building blocks, the amino acids. Eggs contain plenty of protein and are also cheap, healthy and fast and easy to prepare Plus: They provide the two essential amino acids lysine and prolyn, which are essential for the formation of collagen. So please access.

2. Glutathione in avocados leaches out toxins

Eggs AND avocados - a strong anti-cellulite duo
Eggs AND Avocados - A Strong Anti-Cellulite Duo © Brent Hofacker /
How much love avocados - at any time of day and in any form. There are enough reasons for this, not just the taste. In addition to the healthy saturated fats that the green fruit provides, it contains plenty of potassium. Potassium is a mineral and pushes the drainage of the body. So water retention has no chance. In addition, avocados contain glutathione, a type of "mini-protein" composed of three amino acids. These have an antioxidant effect and help that toxins, so poisons, which slow down your metabolism, faster washed out of the body.

3. Cayenne pepper provides a metabolic kick

By sitting for a long time - whether at work or on the sofa - your metabolism goes slowly but surely down. The result: fluid that accumulates in the tissue around the buttocks and thighs. This will put your connective tissue to a hard test, leaving unsightly orange peel in most cases. Cayenne pepper provides a little kick that nourishes your metabolism properly. He also brings a good spice in all dishes. Instead, stop using salt. This binds water and ensures faster cellulite.

4. Vitamin C from oranges to orange peel

Oranges actually help against orange peel © lizabarbiza /
Oranges against orange peel? Yes absolutely! Although they are named after the annoying dents, but they can easily prove against them. Oranges are full of Vitamin C, a real wonder weapon against cellulite. Because it has an antioxidant effect and binds free radicals that damage our cells and, for example, cause them to age faster. It also strengthens the connective tissue, in which it ensures that new collagen fibers are formed. But vitamin C can do more. For example, it protects against UV rays, which additionally weaken our connective tissue. To get the most out of the antioxidants, enjoy the oranges fres
Incidentally, even vegetables as a vitamin C source should not be underestimated, such as broccoli and peppers - which easily top the vitamin C content of oranges. So that the vitamin C is not lost by cooking or roasting, it is best to eat the peppers raw and to steam broccoli gently or to sway briefly in the wok. ,

5. Salmon omega-3 fatty acids for more collagen

With the good omega-3 fatty acids from salmon, the orange peel is really on the collar. How does it work when fat is one of the causes of cellulite? Not every fat makes you fat °!
Lach omega-3 fatty acids are super healthy
Lach's omega-3 fatty acids are real all-rounder © Dima Sikorsky /
Because omega-3 is an essential, so vital fatty acid, which is involved in a variety of (vital) functions in the body. Among other things, it improves the stability of the cell membranes, so that they do not "lessen" so fast. A study by Purdue University in West Lafayette also showed that omega-3 fats can increase collagen production. Say: more resilience for your skin on thighs & Co. But watch out for good quality and stew the fish instead of frying it.

6. Matcha tea stimulates the metabolism

With melting kilos and small Fettpölsterchen say goodbye. Matcha tea makes your metabolism fire under your butt and melt hip gold faster. Reason for the fat burning effect of green tea: the contained polyphenols, such as the catechins. These are phytochemicals that are responsible, among other things, for the bitter taste. Due to its high chlorophyll content, Matcha also stimulates the self-cleansing power of the body and thus provides an additional detox effect. 2: 0 for Matcha. So off, turn on the kettle!

7. Grapefruits improve blood circulation

The light pink color of the grapefruit is due to the plant pigment lycopene, which among other things improves blood circulation. A good circulation and an active metabolism are your two allies against orange peel. In addition, lycopene has an antioxidant effect that protects our body cells against harmful free radicals and binds toxins. Both a plus point to prevent the dents on thighs and buttocks. In addition, the sour fruit provides plenty of vitamin C, which stimulates the production of collagen. And you know, that's why almost everything revolves around anti-cellulite. By the way:Tomatoes, watermelons and papaya also contain lots of healthy lycopene.

8. Lignans from flaxseed against cellulite

Flaxseed does not give cellulite a chance
Flax seeds can be easily integrated into everyday life © PageSeven /
Have you ever wondered why only we women suffer from cellulite? Blame are - as so often - the hormones. More specifically, the female hormone estrogen, which is involved in the development of cellulite But there is also good news, Ladies: flax seeds are full of lignans, a phytochemical that belongs to the so-called phytoestrogens. The special feature: The structure is very similar to that of estrogens. So they help to keep the level of the female hormone stable.
Your ticket to dehaired skin: One teaspoon of flaxseeds per day is already enough. Sprinkle the small grains just over your cereal or salad, stir in the smoothie or bake a flaxseed bread. But beware: A larger amount of flaxseed may have a laxative effect, as the seeds are very high in fiber. Always drink enough!

9. Collagen from bone broth tightens the skin

"Bone broth" is currently the trend drink in the USA. What sounds so cool is basically just a kind of concentrated brew that is created when cooking bones (beef, chicken, etc.) in water. Sounds disgusting, you find? Then taste first, before you judge. Because the boiled broth, which should simmer for at least 3 hours (the longer, the better - 8 to 10 hours would be optimal), is in the end super intense in taste. Our conclusion: Saulecker! Through prolonged cooking, valuable minerals (such as magnesium and calcium) and proteins (such as skin-tightening collagen) are released from the bones and remain in the broth. This strengthens bones and tissues (skin!) And even provides an anti-aging effect.

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